Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The first post! And it's so important!


  1. where are your rabbit ears?

  2. i was also half expecting to see you in some sort of demented bunny outfit. sigh.

    i grow weary of all the remakes of delightful comics and the programs of my youth *cough transformers crap cough cough* and the first.

    and don't get me started on the 3d nonsense!

  3. Joe, I've been reading Zebra Girl since the creation and am SO happy to finally see the man behind the curtain! I agree with you about the Spider Man remakes. I'm tired of Marvel pumping out these movies rapid fire just to make a profit, not caring how good or bad they may be.

    Speaking of artistic profit, I wanna see more of your stuff. Go to comic cons (Baltimore and Philadelphia please), get a few books published of the comics, make some shirts, I would buy them! Just saying.

    1. Thanks for talking, Erin, it's good to hear your thoughts! I hope you don't mind that it took me a few years to get back to you, but I sort of lost focus where this blog was concerned. Looking back, though, and seeing real comments and compliments paid makes me think that I really should re-invest myself in this. So... I know it's late, but thanks again.

      Speaking of conventions, so far I mainly attend the MOCCA Fests regularly, but I've been meaning to make it out of the surrounding states for a while now.

  4. I'm glad to see some one shares my opinion of Raimi. I subscribe to the "Venom" theory:
    I understand he wanted to do a Sinister Six story ... I'd guess the two villains from the first movie, the lizard, and Sandman and a few more. He was made, probably well into production, to add in Venom. Because that's what sells. I will hold him responsible for not sticking to his guns, but I don't know what kind of pressure might have been leveled against him.

    I feel like he was getting into a groove: the first one was finding his feet, the second was him hitting his stride (and one of the best superhero movies there is in my not-so-humble-opinion). What ever the third one would have been, that is gone.

    Raimi at least understood superhero.

    Anyway, glad to see the blog and I love Zebragirl. It's kind of cool to see a hero fight against her darker side and *lose*. Redemption is only possible after the fall, right? You is awesome.

    1. Nice to know I'm not alone. And thanks for reading my work, Patrick! Sorry it took me a few years to respond to your comment. You deserved better. I hope you're still in my audience!

  5. Peter Parker is the awkward geek that is a stand-in for the major audience of that comic book. He's better as a loose framework that the reader can pour themselves into.

  6. Hey, enjoying the blogthoughts. I admit that i, too, was expecting some bunny ears (grin).

    In any case, looking forward to the video blogs. If you feel so inclined, would love to have you post a vid of you chatting while drawing or inking... give us a chance to look over your shoulder, as it were, as you mentally meander along.

    And, hey - you're a "meta" kinda guy. At least, so I surmise from reading your comic for these last years. :D For some amusement, turn on the Beta CC feature, which transcripts your blog using speech recognition. While it is amazing that it is close as often as it is - when it's wrong, it is often WAY wrong, and occasionally hilarious...

    BTW, love Zebra girl.

    ...And stop beating yourself up about the rate at which you update. I mean - it's freaking FREE, right? And it's beautiful. And often profound. So thanks for sharing it with us... at whatever rate fits the creative urge and available time.


    >:D//\\\ <-(My idea of a zebra girl smiley icon)

    1. Hi, Kerinbot. I know I'm a few years late, but I wanted to thank you for your comments and your compliments. I just kind of forgot to look back where this blog is concerned, but I think from now on I'm going to be a little more committed to it. I hope you're still in my audience. But in any case, thanks for talking. I appreciate it.

  7. You look exactly as I thought you would.

  8. Nice to see a face behind Sandra and her ragtag band of weirdos.

    And no, no one cares about peter parker's origins. Those people are just profit-seeking morons trying to reinvent the wheel.

    Long Live Sandra :) I'm actually waiting for either Tomie to be "lost" again, leaving Jack on his own, or Jack go out and out say "the effect's permanent... I can't change her back."

    1. Hi, Aj-Hyena. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to comment, and for being a reader of the comic. I sort of lost focus where this blog was concerned, but looking back at comments like yours, I guess there was more interest than I thought! I hope you're still in the audience there, but in any case, thanks again for just speaking up.

  9. Yeeeeees. Blog for us. I shall gaze into your mind and extract kernels of awesome.

    Having a web presence is like a bunch of work, but I hope you keep it up because your art is great and your writing is great and seeing the man behind the curtain is most intriguing. Maybe you'll talk more about your views on storytelling, at least through the lens of reviewing things?

    1. Hi, Konstantin. I know it's been a few years, but I recently started looking back towards this blog, and I saw that some really nice comments were left. Like yours! I hope you're still in the audience. Whatever the case, I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to shout out! Now that I've seen them, I'll seriously consider your suggestions. Better late than never, right?

  10. I must say, you put yourself into picture purrfectly. Great drawing skills. At the moment I am too tired to listen to >12minutes. I loved the spiderman series, I don't know if a new movie is necessary - probably not - they tend to become worse. ("Batman Begins" and "Dark Knight" being the venerable exceptions)
    But I ramble....
    Just had to tell you, I looooove Zebra Girl - I've been lurking for three years now...

    1. Thanks, Gerda! I know it's been a few years, but I only just noticed your comment. I sort of lost focus on this blog, but you said some nice things, and I like to repay kind words. I hope you're still lurking in my audience!

  11. Honestly its hollywood, they suck the life and essence out of a story and puke up the same. Its rare that they don't, and it usually takes someone like Raimi to get them to change for a short glimmer before they pansy out and do the same blah stuff.
