Monday, July 18, 2022

I Read Some Wild Conservative Kids Books

Let's talk about Republicans and public education....

I wish that every Republican voter in America could see this.

Let's talk about systemic failures in Uvalde....

Mitch McConnell EXPOSED for GASLIGHTING Americans in disturbing Senate F...

Every time that Mitch McConnell croaks his way through a speech without being drowned out by booing, hissing, and food hurled in his general direction is a sign that we are not yet a just society.


Thursday, July 14, 2022

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Let's talk about Jefferson, Monticello, and Fox....

Remember, if you see a real problem and you want to talk about it seriously, you are officially "woke" and a bad person according to Fox News.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Let's talk about Ohio, Indiana, a girl, and the Supreme Court....

Hard to believe this is real.  But it is.

Do me a favor and watch this one.  Really.