Monday, September 2, 2019
Alright, my computer’s more or less fixed! The technicians just had to replace its innards with something wholly different and transfer all the data to a backup and then to a laptop and then to a backup and then back to my computer. I think. And it worked! It’s only crashed once since I retrieved it back. So thanks, everyone, for being patient and for offering advice. To celebrate, here’s that picture I promised of Zandra and Betty playing Twister (click the image for the full page on DeviantArt). Be aware, this is as "ADULT" as it comes around here, so get the kids out of the room! Make up an excuse. Or be honest. They can take it.
You know, I tend to have mixed feelings about posting work like this. There are plenty of great artists who do this stuff often, but I can never quite shake a sense of shame or embarrassment. Maybe it’s just that the comic was never really erotic in nature, and dipping into that well feels like a taboo. I suppose I should be over that by now, but I’m naturally self-conscious. I don’t know. I hope you like it. But if not, I understand.
Anyway, now that my computer’s mostly functioning and sporting a bunch of extra gigabytes (and my parents are both recovering as well as can be expected from their various surgeries), there should be little standing in the way of my work on my precious omnibus besides my usual neurosis and general incompetence! And, of course, whatever shoe is next in line to drop. Knock on wood, right? Wish me luck, I’ll be in touch!
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